siren's pull; starter apartment list

Jan 04, 2010 22:39


The Tower Apartments (also known as Starter Apartments) is part of a Newcomer Integration Program originally supported by the Government and now funded by AGI and SERO corporations. The complex is a specially maintained apartment building intended for newcomers to the Port.

The Tower Apartment complex is comprised of a pair of 13-story buildings connected at the center by a 7-story section between them. Because of this layout, a resident of floors 8-13 in either of the taller towers must go down to the 7th floor in order to cross over to the opposite tower. Apartments with even numbers are across the hall from apartments with odd numbers (ie. apartment 202 is beside apartment 204, and across from apartment 201)

Facts about the Apartments:
* The building was built in 1928 and was the largest and tallest building of it’s time.
* It was made to house families for the military, scientists and other’s trapped on the island.
* In 1946 the apartments were closed, deemed unsafe for living in. It was boarded up for years.
* The first newcomers appear in 1954, squatting in the old apartments. The Government let this continue to happen in order to help segregate the new people in one location.
* The Newcomer Integration Program officially started in 1955, opening the apartments for use to newcomers when they arrive. Help for schooling, and home assistance to help blend the Newcomers into the city was offered by the Government.
* In 2011 the Government stopped funding to the building, leaving AGI and SERO to fully fund the site and maintenance. The Newcomers have a stronger hand in the affairs of the building now.
* There are 96 single rooms and 12 double bedrooms. Making 108 apartments total.
* The lobby is made with four glass double doors and 8 large windows. Each is CeeRow darkness proof built.
* The Tower Apartments are a NO SMOKING complex. Please smoke on the fire escapes or outside the lobby.
* There is an elevator in each tower but neither of them are in working order (This is however being worked on, but very slowly).
* There are two interior stair cases in each tower that can be taken all the way to the top. they open up to each hall way of each floor.

Because of the gracious funding from AGI and SERO together the apartments offer Newcomers ONE MONTH free rent when they first arrive!

Note: In order for the Character to get a room the Player must reply to this post requesting a room. This is to help keep things clean and fair. We used to automatically place new characters on the apartment list but not all characters would take an apartment. Players! When your character enters the Port and ICly takes a room, please reply here so we can give them a space! This way they have a full and fair month of free rent. The Apartments are now on you the player to fill.

Newcomer characters will be automatically assigned to an available one-bedroom apartment. However, if a character wishes to change rooms their desired room is available, or if two characters wish to share a two-bedroom apartment rather than living separately, just leave a request on this entry in the form of a comment, and the character's room assignment will be changed. In the context of the game, this would be the equivalent of your character speaking to the landlord to change rooms.

Greeters have first dibs on two-bedroom apartments or their preferred apartments, and have cheaper rent in the Towers Apartments. If you choose a Job as a Greeter and wish to live permanently in these run-down starter apartments, just let us know!

Those who choose to pay rent and live in the Towers Apartments will have a note by their name that they are paying rent, otherwise rent is considered free.

For more information on the starter apartments, please click HERE

Floor plans: One Bedroom, Two Bedroom

Apartment Numbers in RED will be part of a rather LARGE event. When requesting an apartment for the month of January, PLEASE state if you would like a "SAFE" space or an "EVENT" space. There is a chance that characters that are in the red numbered apartments during the time of the event can DIE so please choose carefully. More info on this event will come soon.

IF you find your characters name in the "RED" please contact a mod for more information!

Welcome to the Tower Apartments
Floor 1: No Apartments
Tower One:
Conference/Gathering Rooms

Front Desk - Greeter Station & Office
Room 100 - Landlord’s Office
Room 101 - Landlord’s Home

Tower Two:
Storage Space:
Power Ports / Shut offs
Water heater
Side entrance to underground garage

Floor 2:
Tower One (One-Bedroom Apartments):
Room 201:
Room 202: Harry Osborn evct: February 3rd
Room 203:
Room 204:

Center (Two-Bedroom Apartments):
Room 205: James T. Kirk and Spock evct: rent paid.
Room 206: Mary Winchester no evct: greeter

Tower Two (One-Bedroom Apartments):
Room 207: Lady Sheila evct: rent paid.
Room 208: Mitchell Hundred evct: February 3rd
Room 209:
Room 210: The Midnighter evct: February 3rd

Floor 3:
Tower One (One-Bedroom Apartments):
Room 301: The Narrator evct: February 3rd
Room 302:
Room 303: Hugo Strange evct: February 3rd
Room 304:

Center (Two-Bedroom Apartments):
Room 305:
Room 306: Himawari Kunogi no evct: greeter

Tower Two (One-Bedroom Apartments):
Room 307:
Room 308:
Room 309:
Room 310:

Floor 4:
Tower One (One-Bedroom Apartments):
Room 401:
Room 402: Livio evct: rent paid
Room 403:
Room 404: Helen Magnus no evct: greeter

Center (Two-Bedroom Apartments):
Room 405: Youko and Loki evct: rent paid.
Room 406:

Tower Two (One-Bedroom Apartments):
Room 407:
Room 408:
Room 409:
Room 410: Manfred von Karma evct: February 10th

Floor 5:
Tower One (One-Bedroom Apartments):
Room 501: Yukari Takeba evct: February 4th
Room 502:
Room 503: Bobby Singer evct: rent paid.
Room 504:

Center (Two-Bedroom Apartments):
Room 505:
Room 506:

Tower Two (One-Bedroom Apartments):
Room 507:
Room 508: Jake English evct: February 4th
Room 509:
Room 510:

Floor 6:
Tower One (One-Bedroom Apartments):
Room 601:
Room 602:
Room 603: Zoey rent paid.
Room 604:

Center (Two-Bedroom Apartments):
Room 605: Amy Pond and The Doctor no evct: greeter
Room 606:

Tower Two (One-Bedroom Apartments):
Room 607:
Room 608: Rose Lalonde evct: February 9th
Room 609:
Room 610:

Floor 7:
Tower One (One-Bedroom Apartments):
Room 701:
Room 702:
Room 703: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III evct: February 15th
Room 704:

Center (Two-Bedroom Apartments):
Room 705: Caster no evct: greeter
Room 706:

Tower Two (One-Bedroom Apartments):
Room 707:
Room 708: Hei / Li Shengshun evct: February 7th
Room 709: Soul Eater Evans evct: February 7th
Room 710:

Floor 8:
Tower One (One-Bedroom Apartments):
Room 801:
Room 802: Kanaya Maryam and Jade Harley evct: February 6th
Room 803:
Room 804:

Center (Two-Bedroom Apartments):
Roof / No access

Tower Two (One-Bedroom Apartments):
Room 807:
Room 808:
Room 809:
Room 810:

Floor 9:
Tower One (One-Bedroom Apartments):
Room 901:
Room 902:
Room 903:
Room 904:

Tower Two (One-Bedroom Apartments):
Room 907:
Room 908: Emily Prentiss evct: February 15th
Room 909:
Room 910:

Floor 10:
Tower One (One-Bedroom Apartments):
Room 1001:
Room 1002:
Room 1003:
Room 1004:

Tower Two (One-Bedroom Apartments):
Room 1005:
Room 1006:
Room 1007: Midna evct: February 10th
Room 1008:

Floor 11:
Tower One (One-Bedroom Apartments):
Room 1101:
Room 1102: KOS-MOS evct: February 7th
Room 1103:
Room 1104:

Tower Two (One-Bedroom Apartments):
Room 1105: Raphael evct: rent paid
Room 1106:
Room 1107: Larsa Solidor evct: February 10th
Room 1108:

Floor 12:
Tower One (One-Bedroom Apartments):
Room 1201:
Room 1202: Seras Victoria evct: February 8th
Room 1203:
Room 1204:

Tower Two (One-Bedroom Apartments):
Room 1205:
Room 1206:
Room 1207:
Room 1208:

Floor 13:
Tower One (One-Bedroom Apartments):
Room 1301: Alec Hyde evct: February 7th
Room 1302:
Room 1303:
Room 1304:

Tower Two (One-Bedroom Apartments):
Room 1305: LSP evct: February 14th
Room 1306: Kamijou Touma evct: February 11th
Room 1307: Travis Touchdown evct: February 12th
Room 1308: Aurican evct: February 11th


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starter apartment listing

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