I had a really brilliant time at the very first
Slick party last night.
Friction (website hasn't been updated in a long time; go for the photo gallery) is the venue for Slick, and it is absolutely gorgeous. It's tricked out like a frickin boutique hotel, guys. Two floors--casual lounge (free internet!), snack bar, dance floor, gym, sauna, showers, and a few rooms upstairs; a ton of rooms (in a variety of sizes and configurations), video (read: porn) room with a public sling, glory holes, and a blackout room downstairs. Every space is meticulously clean and shiny--yes, even the blackout room. I got a pretty good feel for the floor in there, and it was definitely clean.
I volunteered to answer questions for MVK for the first two hours of the event, and I thought the turnout was pretty good. Friction is normally exclusively for men, so there were a few regular patrons looking askance at all the naked breasts, but whatever. Most people who weren't sure what was going on were friendly and curious, and the folks who came knowing what they wanted and how to get it seemed delighted to have a new place to get it at.
Within the first hour, I felt seriously overdressed. I was still in jeans and a couple of shirts, while everyone else had prudently changed into towels or less. It was really, really hot in therre.
I made plans with
estrellada to meet up in the blackout room when my shift was over. She put on a glow-in-the-dark tattoo so I'd know who she was, and I said I'd carry my glow-in-the-dark fish whacker (truly, we have reached the pinnacle of civilization). About ten minutes beforehand, I asked if we were still on for the blackout room and discovered that it's not really not-really-anonymous anonymous sex if you confirm beforehand. Oops! So, yeah. Blackout room happened.
For this edition of Slick, the room was women-only from 7-9, mixed from 9-11, and men only from 11-1.
estrellada and I got in there right at 9. It was--interesting. I had a couple odd moments of "oh, that's a person standing really close behind me, I hope they don't touch me with intent," and
estrellada said she had to glare a guy away from possibly jacking off on my head, but whatever.
When we left, the place was full of guys. There was a blowjob occurring pretty much right in the doorway, and I think I got rubbed on by somebody's parts on the way out.
It was really neat--when it's my first time at a sex/kink event, I'm generally pretty anxious, but I was incredibly comfortable and relaxed. Like, the possibility of someone jacking off on my head at Rascal's or Vancouver Dungeon would have me screaming for a DM, but I was fine at Slick (if he'd actually done it, I wouldn't have been okay at all). Maybe 'cause that's the kind of thing that happens at the bathhouse (porn told me!), whereas it really fucking shouldn't at any of the other parties I go to.
Anyway. We made use of our private single room, and then wandered about--took a bit of a sauna, showered off, etc. We left about eleven o'clock, and the place was seriously just getting started. Didn't get a chance to check out the video room for real (it seemed kind of like a sacred space anyway; place cleared out when
estrellada and I poked our heads in for a minute), and I totally forgot about the glory holes until we were on our way out the door, 'cause I'm a bit of a doofus.
The crowd was pretty mixed--a lot of guys there for guy-on-guy (I'm not going to say they were gay men, 'cause I know some of them didn't ID as such), a few transguys, a lot of mixed couples and women both queer and straight. Everyone seemed to be having a really good time, which is great.
What I was most pleased by is the fact that the bathhouse really seems like a place where you can go and just hang about in an available manner and get laid. It's like a horny introvert's paradise. Um.
I'm disappointed I have to work at five in the morning on Wednesdays starting next week, but who knows. I may figure out a plan so I can go for the first hour or something, and I discovered that Friction's new "Mixed Monday" (women-parts are allowed!) is from 6PM-6AM, so that's an option, since it starts a little earlier.
Congratulations to MVK for successfully pulling off their first bathhouse night! May it be only the beginning.
In other news, we discovered that I have some cysts on my cervix, so I gotta hie me to a pelvic exam as soon as I'm off the rag (the cysts are not painful--I don't think. I do have pelvic pain now and again, but I always figured that was 'cause of my GI stuff and the PCOS; yay TMI). Any recommendations for clinics that do PEs? I'll drive/transit anywhere I'm guaranteed won't give me a disgusted look when I ask for one.
(I can't remember the name of the OBGYN who did my revision two years ago, or I'd call her. Dammit.)
Anyway. Did you hear:
-it's my
birthday this Saturday (next Saturday?);
-SPN s3 DVDs on Tuesday! Eee!;
-FOB mixtape, FOB mixtape, FOB mixtape. I kind of like "Lake Effect Kid," and I sort of wish my current music (title is the definition of tl;dr) was actually a FOB song, but whatevs (so! Catchy! Omg Patrick Stump!). The best part of "ALPHAdog and OMEGAlomaniac" is the title, sadly;
-my site is down, wtf?