Looking for a recipe, I ended up going through a bunch of old journal entries today, including the pictures from immediately after Astrid was born, and realized for the first time that my IV site looks absolutely horrid and bloody
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Wow, I didn't know anyone did the practice-on-each-other thing. That would freak me out. We had dummy arms (useless), but pretty much just practiced on the patients. I would have been glad for the chance to stick another student before I did a patient, I think, but I wouldn't have been up for someone sticking me...
Yes, in the trade-off between practicing on eachother and practicing on patients, I think I'd rather practice on eachother. We obviously have to practice somewhere, but practicing on someone who is already vulnerable always makes me feel bad.
Unfortunately, the phlebotomist I had dibs on dropped out :(
I've seen you comment, mostly in grypx's lj, but some other places... then I noticed you're friends with some of my IRL friends, so I thought I'd add you... Hi! I'm Rachel.
Comments 5
Unfortunately, the phlebotomist I had dibs on dropped out :(
Still haven't had a successful stick, with three weeks remaining, but my ER rotation is coming up, and that's where most people have gotten theirs.
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