I just won my first NaNoWriMo, and all I can say is, Ow.
My hands, arms, backs and neck are all incredibly painful right now.
I wrote 20,000 words today. I've been awake for twenty four hours straight. I actually cried at the end of my book, although that may have just been the sleep deprivation rather than any actual poignant genius.
Past 40k mark. I could write a long post about what it's like to push out this many words this fast, but 1) Don't want to use up precious words that must go in novel and 2) This webcomic really sums it up better than I could.
I made it from just past 20k to just past 30k from last night until now. That's like..... 61%. About 20k left to go, and forty something hours. Lisa's brain goes smoooosh.