Last update on August 5th
This update's longer than what I usually post- about 70 pictures under the cut.
Warnings: language, dirty jokes, meannes- the usual.
1.0 1.1 As promised, here are the siblings' personalities:
I would like to show you all something...
living room
the same bathroom
the same bathroom again
and who cleaned it all up?
He then found time to knock up his wife, again.
And also to make breakfast and feed the screaming demon child Ruby.
He must be superman or something, he's always taking care of pretty much everything.
Mwahahahaha, more babies >:D
wtf is up with your ankles, Michelle? o.O
Anyways, Quinn's doing awesome in school.
And Keith continues to bring in the promotions.
Perhaps you all have not been properly introduced to Michelle and Keith's second spawn: this is Ruby and despite having more nice points than her sister SHE'S A WHINY LITTLE SHIT. Seriously, I wanted to pull my hair out.
Money, money.
I missed Michelle's first pop, but here's her second. She was lookin pretty big...
Keith obviously has more patience than me and taught the demon spawn Ruby how to talk.
AAaaand then this happened and I felt so bad for Keith.
Keith: Baaaaaww, my life sucks.
I know, buddy. I feel ya :(
The demon spawn's Ruby's birthday.
She pretty cute and definitely looks a lot like Quinn.
And despite both having minimal nice points, they get along pretty well.
-sigh- Here Ruby is off on her first day of school. See those dishes behind her? Yeah she decided to just leave them there for Keith someone else to pick them up. My god, she's just like my younger sister....
Baby time! And once again, Michelle is home along to deliver the baby. Sorry girl.
I know that you're in a lot of pain right now, but you look gorgeous ;D
And it's a boy! His name is Tristan and he has all of his dad's genetics.
Aww, how cute.
Keith: It's a boy, finally a boy!
The Parker family gourmet dinner: instant meals.
Right after her instant meal, Michelle put on some weight. I think she looks pretty cute like this. I'm keepin it :D
Then I decided to change her into her original set of clothes.
Compared to the outfit she had on before, wtf happened to your hips? o.o
Realistic fat morph mesh fail.
Adorablee baaabiieeeess
Go you!
Ruby: I have to pee but i apparently can't find my way to the bathroom. HALP
Oh, you have to pee? TOO BAD. Find it yourself. Jerk.
Keith would like to remind us all that he has a smokin' wife.
Thank you Keith.
Quinn grew up but I missed it. Her she is after her makeover. She looks a lot like Michelle.
Off to work, I see. Lookin' good.
Keith: Yes I know what you want.
The Parker's got a maid since Keith couldn't keep up with it all. Have fun, buddy.
This is the friend that Quinn brought home from school. Yeah, it's not gonna happen.
Tristan became a toddler, but I missed it...oops. Here he is after his makeover.
Profile and holy balls, Quinn looks just like Michelle.
Speaking of Michelle, she got thin again.
Michelle: How did all this skin get on my arm?
She looks confused...
Michelle: Must be the drugs :DD
In case anyone was wondering, Michelle and Keith do still interact...about once a week. It's sad so I took some pics to make up for it.
D'awww. Also, I don't know what happened to the border for this screencap.
Tristan apparently doesn't like diaper changes and would rather sit around in his own shit. Yummy.
Muncho got old, but he still looks the same. He just barks at the strays more often now :P
Ruby: Quinn, have you seen the new Glee?
Quinn: omfg shut up, that show is for pussies.
Ruby: DD:
I present a saturday in the Parker household. Ruby's all the way in the background playing chess because that ALL SHE EVER DOES.
Michelle and Quinn play punch you, punch me and Quinn and all her 1 nice point decide to wail on her mother's arm.
Michelle: You
bitch, I'm going to punch you in the face D:<
Keith then decides to see what all the fuss is about. This will not end well...
Called it.
Keith: wtf Quinn? I changed your shitty diapers you ungrateful creaton.
Quinn: Bring it, old man.
D: he's not old
Even though Muncho is old now, he's still a source of adorableness
Tristan's cheeks! Awww.
Do something else!
Whatever. She grew up and only Michelle came to watch and even she looks bored.
Guh. She's so pretty!
Tristan grew up too. Everyone came to watch lol
He a cutie. Definitely gonna look like his dad.
Oh lord, not again.
Let it be known that I foresaw this.
Ruby: -deer in the headlights-
Ruby: Ow, bitch. That was my arm.
Quinn: Nananana boo boo
I'd watch yourself, Quinn. Ruby is a demon spawn.
What'd I tell ya? Revenge, sucker.
Well, that's it for this time. I hope you guys enjoyed reading :D
Next time! Probably some birthdays, maybe a new house, and maybe some college but I really don't know since I haven't played that far :D