in light of miranda's craigslist entry i bring you callianne, lauren and matt's letter to the cat in four parts. Written by Lauren and Callianne, X-posted in both our journals. sorry to those who are on both of our lists, but there's really not that many of you anyway.
the following is a list of (naughty) things that we wish for you to cease and desist immediately: )
Comments 6
PS that was only 3 parts.
PPS can you link the craigslist?
also, not he is a ginger cat, and he's a hairless one, for god's sake. he doesn't shed, he's just a dirty little fucker and i can never figure out just how he gets so dirty so quickly
too lazy to html it.
PS glad you like the book! and that the ice cream fixed ur pretty face!
and ridiculous. but mostly amazing.
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