Title: Light Up My Life
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Joonmyun/Jongin
Length: 8600w
Author's Note: Happy Birthday to one of my closest, most treasured friends -
lattelotus. Thank you for always putting up with me. I hope you have a wonderful birthday!
Summary: Joonmyun might just have a soft spot for Jongin
Always trust a wizard’s intuition, people say, and Joonmyun is a wizard. )
Comments 18
Also I am rather intrigued by the possibility of chanhun mainly because I ship it but also because you ended this with a naked Chanyeol so if you happen to write any more in the future, I'll see you there lol. Thanks for writing something so enjoyable!
let me love you for writing this au! 🐾🐾🐾
i hope there's gonna be sequels to this
thank you for writing <3
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