[Morning - 1129 Taylor Road]
[So Vriska woke up in what was certainly not a recuperacoon. In fact, she didn't even remember going to sleep at any point! To add onto this confusion, her skin was looking more than a little pale...and her horns were missing. And her room was filled to the brim with horrible clean tidiness. Yuck. DEFINITELY not her own
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Comments 93
Explain your spooky, cryptic nonsense!
Okaaaaaay...hey, out of curiosity, what did 'I' act like when I lived there? And more importantly, did I do anything awesome?
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((OOC: I'm not sure if Vriska has ever actually heard Dave's voice at any point, so her tantrum will be silencing any would-be recognition for the time being. ))
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There's no other way of contacting people in town this way, is there?
Oh. It looks like their family grew. Kind of. ) )
Ah, good morning.
Yeah, hi. Who are you supposed to be?
I'm supposed to be your papá but I'm not. So you can just call me Spain. And you?
...yeah, um, whatever. Just call me Vriska.
[Too worn out from the earlier thrashing about to mess with Spain. THIS TIME.]
[Near-instant recognition. Finally, someone familiar!]
You're here too, huh, fearless leader? This the big bad danger you're supposed to be in? Did a pretty good job of pissing me off, I'll give it that much.
Have fun that everyone knows you here and hates you in advance! Your past self did a ton of shit here you can't control or remember.
[She's trying to sound calm, but really, she's a few inches away from lapsing back into flip-the-fuck-out mode.]
Seriously though, what's your deal? In fact, what's the deal with everything here? I'm knee deep in stupid human bullshit to deal with and all my levels are gone! ALL OF THEM!
time to say hello in a perfectly casual and calm way.]
Oh, uh, you're back.
[Well that went about as well as expected.]
. . . I am pretty sure, uh, that I definitely should not be talking to you.
You're right. You shouldn't.
[She'd be hanging up right now, but her think pan broke a little when she heard what sounded like a 'YES I'M ALIVE' Tavros. Give her a minute.]
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