Taken Characters - Books/Movies/TV

Oct 24, 2011 13:34

➸ BOOKS ✪ Series Character Profession Character Journal Player Player Journal Harry Potter James Potter Prospector prongs_jamesp Lauren pinikir Harry Potter Remus Lupin Teacher lupin_remusj Kerry halfbloodly Harry Potter Sirius Black Trapper atrumcanis Cee wer3wolph The Hunger Games Katniss Everdeen Hunter katnissjay Lauren pinikir Old Kingdom Series Yrael the Eighth Bright Shiner / Mogget Cat eighthwhohid Hannah theflower_girl A Song of Ice and Fire Arya Stark Butcher danceswithwater Stacey thepenguinred A Song of Ice and Fire Brandon "Bran" Stark Pastor greenstark Cee! wer3wolph A Song of Ice and Fire Jon Snow Trapper wolfinthesnow Mici arachnidism A Song of Ice and Fire Robb Stark Trapper wolvesremain Nika obloquy A Song of Ice and Fire Sansa Stark Tailor practiced tussah bombyx

➸ MOVIES ✪ Series Character Profession Character Journal Player Player Journal A&E's Hornblower Horatio Hornblower Surveyor whatistheremore Lynn classicspector A&E's Hornblower Lieutenant Chadd Artist didnotspeak Lynn classicspector Enchanted Giselle Artist dreaming_oflove AmyJack tenshibellaluna Inception Arthur Teacher dreamplanner sAmmii ainecaitlin Master & Commander: Far Side of the World Jonathan Hollom Pastor accusedjonah Lynn classicspector Master & Commander: Far Side of the World Tom Pullings Farmer willturntides Kim crazyjumpinbean Newsies Jack Kelly Artist cowboy_newsie Thleen ankeelv2 Pirates of the Caribbean James Norrington Pastor excommodore Shelley imouto Ravenous John Boyd Trapper omnommajor Nin ninael Zombieland Wichita Trapper zombiefree Chrissy butterflyclip

➸ TELEVISION ✪ Series Character Profession Character Journal Player Player Journal Buffy the Vampire Slayer Buffy Summers Trapper protectify Awbrey dolcissimo Buffy the Vampire Slayer Rupert Giles Teacher allintuitive Jonesy neutraltwin Doctor Who The Doctor (9th) Prospector firstinjiggery Em calafuego Doctor Who Jenny Gunsmith timedaughter Zee fire Doctor Who Rose Tyler Teacher yousaidblue Ely fit_for_king My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Pinkie Pie Baker energizer_pony Kyjin dragonlover58 Supernatural Dean Winchester Gunsmith torndownsoldier Sarah batmanboxers Torchwood Gwen Cooper Teacher goodatgoogle Mat thatrainbow Torchwood Captain Jack Harkness Trapper harknessvagrant Mandy tyriangalley Transformers: Prime Airachnid Journalist blackwidowblade varrysaber N/A Transformers: Prime Arcee Gunsmith tough4a2wheeler Jen steelstrike Transformers: Prime Breakdown Ox. YES OX. hammer_bro Dirge forever_a_clone Transformers: Prime Optimus Prime Printer lastoftheprimes Stupei frogwolf Transformers: Prime Soundwave Surveyor hooked0nphonics Saeru saeru Transformers: Prime Starscream Surveyor lordstarscream Jami sailorgalaxia The Walking Dead Daryl Dixon Trapper squirrelstew Lettie elarion

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