My Yahoo screen name is still the name of my old Geocities account, turned into a Yahoo account when Yahoo bought them. Man, that thing had FTP access before Yahoo messed it all up!
I had two Geocities sites way back in 1996, one in Area51 (the sci-fi section) and one in whatever the fantasy section was called back then. I kinda wish I remembered my details so I could have saved that stuff, but they were both just mostly a place for me to practice html and dump pictures I'd nicked from other places online, hehe. It's sad to see a place that was once such a huge part of the net disappear, but given the similarly abysmal quality of most of the Geocities sites I've been to, you can't really blame Yahoo for not wanting to waste the server space on them anymore. :P
Comments 17
My Yahoo screen name is still the name of my old Geocities account, turned into a Yahoo account when Yahoo bought them. Man, that thing had FTP access before Yahoo messed it all up!
In a couple of years you will have these youngster on the Internet who don't even know what Geocities was... Damn, I feel old, already...
I used to have a Geocities, it was just as rubbish as the rest of them :)
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