This quote reminds me about how the world is a bunch of bullshit and comes up with quotes that make the lucky people feel better about themselves and us losers with no arms to climb a tree feel like we got fucked out of life. God bless america.
ok this is why its stupid and degrading to females. first of all it says that females are just waitng for guys to come and pick them also the guys to take the "fruit" on the ground are just looking for a quick lay and actually there is just as many great girls that have boyfriends then the other ground fruit girls. and jsut cuz' a girl has lower morals or whatever doesnt mean that she isnt worht as much or deserve happiness. and if the boy is afraid of falling for a good girl then there is something seriously wrong with him. i think this was written by a girl who was so completely ugg that she made this up up make herself feel better.
Comments 16
Oh yeah, and its a nice quote.
decided that u really are crazy
then pondered y u didnt use a question mark when asking ur question :P
I like that quote by the way
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