to the genius who wrote this cute lil anonymous diatribe, you have clearly shown to be a mature person, and your anti-semitism demonstrates your superior intellect. I think it is laughable what a hypocrite you are, you take time out of your pathetic life to attack someone because they are supposedly full of spite and hate, and you post that crap. The beauty of livejournal is that you don't have to read it. Same thing goes with people, if you don't like someone or you have issue with how they act you can walk away or have the courage to say something to them directly. If Jon, is all the things you claim he is, it is only because shit people like you exist. I don't know who you are but it is very evident that not only is John the better person, most people are better than you. By the way, I invite you to respond to this, and I challenge you to get some courage, grow up a bit and get the tiniest bit of self respect and say who you are. -Jon's friend, and one of "the rest of the fucking cheap ass people"
everything of importance has already been said above in the comments, so I guess all I have to say is that whoever wrote that may want to rethink their choice of schools, because Lang doesn't seem to be the right place for anyone who doesn't like bitterness and Jews.
Jon is not only an amazing friend, but he is one of the most amazing people I've ever known. He's honest, he's straight-forward, and he doesn't give people bullshit. He has a wonderful soul and anyone who is actually his friend knows this. To whoever wrote that comment to him, you are a pathetic individual and really need to re-evaluate your life if the only way you get your jollies is by bashing on as good a guy as Jon to try and take him down a peg. If I ever find out who wrote that, I will see that the full force of local administration comes down upon you, you fucking moronic anti-semite.
Comments 6
-Jon's friend, and one of "the rest of the fucking cheap ass people"
jon... random side note... have you been reading we3? <3.xoxox.
or intolerance of any sort.
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