So, I decided to start a blog. Its about Buffalo. I don't know if it will be any good, but we'll see how it goes.
You should consider it as still being in its pilot stages. That way your expectations will be low enough that it might be impressive.
Also, you are the first people to learn about it, aside from Ann. Feel honored.
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Jun 24, 2007 17:39
I'm in Guatemala. I have been here for less than a Week with Ann John and will be here for 6 weeks in total. I am studying spanish with a one-on-one instructor 5 hours a day, 3 days a week. I'm slao staying with a host family and - even though I can barely communicate with them - keep putting myself in awkward, sometimes foot-in-mouth situations. I
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May 22, 2007 21:05
Yes, Adam Fix - Johnn Justice himeself - is writing for this summer. Be alert and watch out for his effective display of journalism in action.
Apr 18, 2007 02:17
So yeah, the City plans are all good and ideal, but I'm not sure the the City has a good feel the reality of the situation. I mean, I thought they did until I read this shit
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Apr 03, 2007 14:22
All you kids who end up staying in Buffalove for the long-term aren't so bad off. Despite how disillusioned so many Buffalonians are with the condition of our Queen City, I'm personally increasingly becoming persuaded that Buffalove will see some better days within the next 15 years or so....
We'll see what's up.
Feb 22, 2007 13:45
I am in a play. It was written by a student here at School. Title "But I cd only whisper." This is the first time the play has ever been on stage. Last night was opening night. The house was packed. Apparently, everyone loved the show. Here is a review of it
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Oct 16, 2006 06:00
I forgot to (falsely) waive my school provided health insurance. I just essentially missed out on getting a fucking $600 check. Although I do now have school provided health insurance, I would really really rather have the money. I"m super fucking annoyed with myself.
Sep 08, 2006 08:52
Jul 29, 2006 15:02
I turn 21 in less than a month. I'd like to have a good celebration but most of the people here who I would celebrate with are not 21 and probably can't hit the bars, etc. with me. Any chance you children would want to come up to Chicago at the end of August
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