Title: Online with Shinee Author thinkingfood Rating: G Pairing/Focus: OT5 Summary: Shinee decides to IM each other A/N>: the summary is bleh but what do you expect at 3am
gawwwwwwwwww!! well i said nighty night and ilyuh already so i dont need to do it here god mother. i really laughed hard when Jongho were ina a rally, it's like 1am and i shouldn't be laughing at this. . what was kibum oppa REALLY doing?!!? loved it unnie, you should really write more crack :]]]]]]]]
Comments 34
But most importantly: I do like the idea of the Onew x Hyeoyeon pairing... (o__O) That's odd!?
Oh my... I really need to sleep now as well, so a good night to both of us!
~ And thank u a lot for making me giggle before I go to bed! <3
well i said nighty night and ilyuh already so i dont need to do it here god mother.
i really laughed hard when Jongho were ina a rally, it's like 1am and i shouldn't be laughing at this. . what was kibum oppa REALLY doing?!!?
loved it unnie, you should really write more crack :]]]]]]]]
and what about onew x hyoyeon? =3= dunt like it..
Omoo our taeminnie!!
Not so innocent.. Lol..
Naughty taemin
dont like onew and hyoyeon!!! why not! *pouts*
hehehe our taeminnie isnt an angel anymore
Ill be back to read and comment ^^
Oh my goodness! Such an adorable conversation,
this is so funny. They really exerted effort
to IM each other...Lol
Not so innocent Taemin is lovable also Jongkey moments.
<3<3<3 Super Like!
im happy you liked it!!!
i like to imagine all the funny things shinee would say over im to each other.
Jongkey and 2min are my love so i had to have them in the im.
I really hope this is happening in real life.KEkekeke
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