Answers To Shoutarou's Title Double Meanings, also an archive of participated threads.

Jun 07, 2011 16:59

Threads listed in participation order.

Main Comm
Room 1-04 Wakes Up, shenanigans ensue in the form of trunk comparisons.

Shoutarou Meets Canada, they weird each other out to varying degrees.

Shoutarou Meets Molly via attempt to break his collar. Makes friends, promptly gets into argument with child over who has the weirder name and loses all claims he had to being hard-boiled.

The Unbreakable W/An Attempted Escape - Shoutarou tries to smash a window and fails. Shenanigans happen. W = Will, Window.

Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary - Shoutarou meets Mary Marvel.

Positive Thinking - Breakfast with Romeo and Piccolo.

Regrets - Angst and discussion about the end of the world with Dawn.

Questions and Answers - Shoutarou asks questions, gets answers he doesn't like.

Taking a Breath - Meeting France in the library.

Network Comm
Lloyd Babbles Science About Collars, Shoutarou shares his own findings.

The Rude I/A Good Question, Really, Shoutarou points out the stereotyped elephants in the room. I = Inquiry, Investigator.

Chaplin Demands Answers, Shoutarou comments on collars.

Karasu is a Grumpy Gus, Shoutarou says 'deal with it'.

tower of animus, recordkeeping

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