sooo.. just in case you didn't know i got my lip pierced and now its huge and its going to fall off. my parents were like "WE DO NOT APPROVE" but they didnt care and im not grounded
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helloh weyeryone fguess whta you fuckers i hnaf the beat day ener. oaky i have a cursh on a cerastian soomebody and hes agvoos kiss6er. fuck yall ,bitebnchez. loveh. jedu.
okay listen up. joey mcnamera is the coolest cat there is. hes the krunkest person i know, krunker than all you fuckahs. if you hurt him, watch your back. dont close your eyes. dont turn out the lights. because i will always be right behind you waitng for the perfect moment to fuck. you. up. got me? thats how it be thats how it bettah be.