Title: Limbo Author: this_thorn Rating: R Author's Notes: Something to tide over the readers (and the author) while longer stories get worked out. The new theme is Nobody Deserves to Be Happy.
A series of 100-word fictions based on the meaning of Schuldig's name. I find the appelation extremely interesting, and will continue adding to this collection until there is nothing left to say.
A Weiß Kreuz fanfiction. Includes some coarse language, implied violence and explicit sex scenes. A version that replaces sex scenes with PG summaries can be found at fanfiction.net. That version also includes explanitory author's notes, as well as bits of humorous silliness at the end of each chapter.
An X-Men fanfiction. My first extensive piece of writing. Don't bother telling me of errors in it; I know it's not the best. I'm preserving it as a model to show me how far I've come as a writer. Disclaimers inside.