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the prompts: round two )
Comments 28
When they've left the club and are heading uptown, towards his place, she says, "Ugh. Those guys put the 'anus' in 'Here we are now, entertain us.'"
Conan laughs uncontrollably for about ten seconds, then says, "There's no way you just thought of that."
"No," she admits. "It came to me during minute twelve of 'Heart-Shaped Box.' More like 'Fart-Shaped Box,' right?"
"Now that I'll believe was improvised ( ... )
She recognizes that voice immediately, it’s one that makes her heart leap but also one that makes her feel nervous, she‘s never sure how to act around him anymore. Turning around she smiles at the tall gangly red-head.
“Hey…Conan,” she almost leans forward to play punch him on the shoulder but she thinks twice about that.
That’s not what her and Conan do, that's what her and Jack do.
“I see the hair is as…hair like as always,” she winces as she hears the words coming from her mouth.
Blerg, why does she always lose her ability to talk around him? It was like she was talking to a celebrity or something. Well…she was. Kind of.
As long as I don’t mention the wife…she thought to herself ( ... )
I also like Liz's inability to refrain from mentioning Conan's family.
Glad you liked it :-)
any mention to Conan's hair is made of win and besides her past with him is always something funny to see ;)
thanks for the story
(That's why the pro/con list would be unnecessary.)
"Hey," she says after they're done with disc one of season four, "want to watch Family Guy"I hate that show," Floyd says. "But if you really want ( ... )
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