I've been too lazy to post my longer fics on LJ. I'll get to it eventually, I promise.
For now, here's a link to my fic
Remnant on my website.
Genres: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Action/Adventure
Pairing: Sam/Daniel 'ship, team friendship
Timeline: Season 7. After Fallout but before Chimera. AU from start of story onward.
Rating: PG-13, for violence, torture, attempted non-con, sexual situations, and a smidge of language. None of it is graphic.
Summary: Jacob recruits SG-1 to help deal a crucial blow to the forces of Anubis and reunite them with an old foe. The question is: When has a Tok’ra mission ever gone well?
There's a forum on the website for feedback, or you can leave comments here if you prefer. Either way, please tell me what you thought. Constructive criticism is always welcome. If you have some helpful advice you'd rather not be attributed to you, you can leave it at my
Anonymous Feedback Meme thread. I just ask that you try to be constructive rather than merely insulting. :)