Title: Bête Noire (1/?)
Summary: The lives of two geniuses, overlapping and falling apart.
Rating/Warnings: God awful science?
Fandom: Dollhouse/Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog
Characters: Topher Brink and Billy
Spoilers: Nothing really. Not in this portion.
Author's Note: Alright, here's chapter one. I've finally posted it. I warn you, I've
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Comments 14
Great work!
And this subtle throw-away line was great: "I need something to do or I’m going to go insane, and trust me, you don’t want to see me like that."
The more I wrote this, the more I was like "Gee, Topher and Billy would make a good ship." The subtext will undoubtedly be there, but for the purposes of the story, they're just going to be friends. Ish. Maybe.
I honestly wrote that line and then went "Wow, that kind of makes sense." I should pretend it was planned...it was TOTALLY intentional. Totally.
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But seriously, I'm so glad you liked this! =D I figure Billy and Topher would be a dangerous combination for any university to have around, so naturally they joined forces =)
Thank you so much for reading, and thank you for the comment!
Thank you for commenting, it seriously means a lot.
I have been thinking about Topher/Doctor Horrible for a really long time now, and I'm glad you wrote it. Also, now I totally have a reason to use this icon!
And thank you so much! I'm glad you liked this, I was planning on going in a different direction with this, but then I got attached to these two, and, well...there you go =D You should still write yours, though, they're a fun pair, and when you think about it, so similar.
Again, thank you so much!
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