Mar 15, 2011 09:01
Yesterday evening.
Hanging upside down. Cleaning up a dead branch. I love the sound of their drilling! He stuck around long enough for me to fetch the boy so he could see, too. Then he did his laugh sound and flew off.
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Comments 2
Once, as I waited for a bus on my way to work, I was talking with some guy who ranted on and on about how much he hated the grackles and how he had insisted that the city council should cut down all the trees downtown. He said all his lobbying had come to nothing. He couldn't understand why they weren't acting to solve the dire problem of birds.
Not too much longer we had the 'mysterious' mass bird deaths incident downtown.
Coincidence? Not bloody likely. Though all the news reports thought they had died suddenly of some kind of parasite I am pretty sure that that guy had something to do with it.
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