ashes are ashes. bits of metal are just that. doing this thing, it was a moment. a thing i did. it didnt make me feel any resolve, any comfort, anything. i would have liked to think otherwise. that i'd have some insight or worthwhile ...
when things have settles into their new order, perhaps i'll have some perspective. for now, i've have lists of obligations. this felt like one of them. it was a simple check. not a list.
Comments 4
it's not a thing more than it is.
ashes are ashes. bits of metal are just that. doing this thing, it was a moment. a thing i did. it didnt make me feel any resolve, any comfort, anything. i would have liked to think otherwise. that i'd have some insight or worthwhile ...
when things have settles into their new order, perhaps i'll have some perspective. for now, i've have lists of obligations. this felt like one of them. it was a simple check. not a list.
and i think you will find Perspective and Insight, and i Hope, Comfort, in time. for now, Keeping On and Doing is Simply What Is.
Much Love and Strength to you (and c and b), in Getting Through and Keeping On.
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