Title: That Middle Watch
Author: Tiamat’s Child
Fandom: Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Word Count: 1150
Rating: T
Characters/Pairing: Rey, Luke Skywalker
Summary: Rey doesn't sleep. Finding Luke Skywalker doesn't in itself change that.
Warnings: Discussion of non-sexual coercion, canon typical violence.
Notes: I wanted to write this thing
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Comments 6
I think Obi Wan was pretty much always more of an endless deadpan snarker with a fathomless capacity for self deception than a troll. ...which might actually hurt Luke's feelings more, really. But Luke's always so kind - that first extended scene he has with Artoo and Threepio where he's interested in their stories and making sure Artoo knows what he's doing!
Yeeeeaaah I think Rey's various problems, especially the sleep ones (and I bet food is going to be an issue too), are all rooted in things that kept her alive once. It's just that once circumstances change those things pretty quickly become maladaptive.
The opening crawl calls her General Organa! And so does Poe, in the command center scene where he introduces her to Finn. A few other people do too, I'm pretty sure. Which makes sense: I'm pretty sure she wouldn't give up anything of her adoptive parents if she could help it.
(Rey being weirded out by being around people who aren't hostile is one of my favorite things.)
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