oya i didnt make the volleyball tryouts but w.e im going to the practices taht u can go2if u didnt make it and practice &imtrying out4track in the spring kinda bummed but owell
sick.. but im going to skool 2moroe volleyball tryouts r at 7 fucking 30 A.M. i hav2 wake up at liek 545 and steph and i r guna try out2gether i REELE suck @ it so ya i prolly wont make the team im screwed peace love stephie <3
im sick & i reele dont feel good im liek all conjested and sniffly & my head & throat herts i woke up liek at 7 then fell bk aslepp, then 8, then 10 then 11 then 130... i feel crappyish & i just dont wana go newhere i hav 4 different meds in me i took liek 10advil yesterday and so ya i feel 2tired 2type ne more so bye <3