Feb 06, 2002 16:59
I have not posted in a while as the no no people stole me and put me in a box. I am return-ed. and pretty happy, even 'though I failed chemistry and maths, again. bums.
Jan 26, 2002 22:24
whoa tickle mood swinger. not like me. so happy, then so pissed off then so paranoid. hormones at high levels methinks.
Jan 26, 2002 18:44
what do I do now? aaaaargh
Jan 25, 2002 20:32
hmm. another great swing of things. weird.
Jan 24, 2002 17:42
can't see (no contact lenses or glasses). screwed up that 3 hour exam. humph. bring me snow...
Jan 23, 2002 17:41
I have messed up a lot now. including Higher maths prelim. again. time for things to change methinks.
Jan 22, 2002 16:21
not a bad day.
Jan 22, 2002 08:53
oh dear I seem to have not gone to school. humph maths exam tomorrow. but I'm seeing rowan today :-D
Jan 21, 2002 16:12
well things have changed considerably. will post later (maybe I actually will this time!)
Dec 30, 2001 21:37
spent the day with frank. we very much love each other. things are good