Jun 30, 2022 20:46
terrible urt
comment 'ere if'n y'want to be added. the filters are as follows, just tell me what you want to see and.. yeah. exciting! or not.
I: more or less safe for work art
II: uh-oh, nudes and violence and suggestive shit oh my
III: writing
May 13, 2011 18:18
so I'm in Eastern Europe with no tablet and I'm trying to start a new sketchbook but I'm dumb and need ~ideas~!!! So, request away! Any and everything, and if i draw it I'll take a photo and post it. Hoorah?
Feb 27, 2011 20:50
I finally got around to making a filter for some written stuff. If you'd like to be on it please comment! I'd really appreciate it if people could give me feedback since I'm suuuper rough, aha..