It's ridiculous how much I miss my ED sometimes. I want to crawl in to a corner with it and feel safe. The safety of my skeleton, the way I know that I am okay because I can feel and see and trace the inner workings of my body. Then I know that I am not just a crazed voice, I am contained to a shell, in my cage. I hate the feeling of fat under
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The trainer didn't take my measurements or anything on Monday, so I have to wait for Thursday. It sucks but I've been eating so so so badly so hopefully tomorrow I'll be on track (it should be easier cause I'm working tomorrow night and I usu don't binge until late) and my measurements won't be out the roof
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The King's Crossing was the main attraction: dominoes falling in a chain reaction. A scraping subject ruled by fear told me, "Whiskey works better than beer." The judge is on vinyl. Decisions are final and nobody gets a reprieve. And every wave is tidal- if you hang around, you're going to get wet
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Height: 5' 2.5" Current weight = 106 :[. i was 104 the other week. Ultimate goal weight = 88-95 Current dress size = 0-2 Goal dress size = baggier Current jean size = i have 24-26" which all fit. Goal jean size = 22-23"