Jul 23, 2005 19:28
i got arrested today
Jun 14, 2005 14:38
were all in summer now. it feels the same. im bored as heckle soo...........
time to go enjoy the summer goodies teehee
you all know what i mean by goodies
wink wink caress, fondle fondle, grope molest
whoops too far
Jun 06, 2005 17:31
May 31, 2005 14:06
im in phoenix been here since may 27, dont know when ill be back
May 24, 2005 14:37
well this year has been different. i dunno i dont really remember much because i was in a haze of marijuana. so much shit happened this year. i think ive changed alot this year not always for the better. but all in all this year was definatly #2
i have no idea what im doing or where im going.
May 21, 2005 10:36
well last night did turn out alot better than it started. snuck out of the house, went to a ladies house. came home got caught. went back out. got caught again. wasnt aloud back in=staying at hotties house
throw yo hands in the air if yous a true playa!
May 17, 2005 15:52
well i could have my braces off right now... but no! my mother forgot to pick me up after school a week ago. so now since my parents are going on vacation i cant get them off till the begining of june! thankyou so much mom ur the best! i swear i would actually kill her right now.
someones having a birthday in 8 days... (may 25)
May 13, 2005 23:53
today was definatly one of the best days of my life. free soda, free weed, free ride, no detentions, no aip, no mad crazy girls, no drama, no suspision, niceness.
well thankyou you all i love you.
May 08, 2005 17:06
ive just been wondering lately about all the things i could be doing. but im not. some people are bringing my life down by lying to me. well whatever fuck them.
i dont know why taylee perfect makes my laugh so much teehee
master13shake: teehee im jk silly muffin
Snooby5: uh huh
Snooby5: none of that muffin business
mothers day
May 07, 2005 14:04
kinda dissapointed that im not going to kfma day.
but otherwise im happy that i have the house alone till bzout 8