Title: Bye, Bye, Birdie
Summary: Five times the bird from Par Avion should have died. My attempt at crackfic with Charlie, Hurley, Locke, Kate, Sayid, Alex, Jack, Claire... most of the cast, actually... and one very doomed bird.
Notes: I'm thanking (blaming?)
gottalovev for this. Many of the ideas used here are hers, and I would never have written this
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Comments 14
He certainly cried more often than any other man she had ever met. Then again, she didn't really know Jack.
made me laugh.
Glad I could help with the finals week hell :-)
you totally ran with the idea, it's hilarious! each and every one of them.
1- horny!kate and zealot!locke, seriously, that is so funny. and Sayid does seem the only sane one left! =D
2- Vincent? LOL!
"Dude," was Hurley's only comment.
"So much for rescue." Sawyer turned back to his magazine. “But you can’t buy entertainment like that.”
no you don't! lol!
3- ok, so that was amazing... because Karl? so whipped! and it's so funny!
He certainly cried more often than any other man she had ever met. Then again, she didn't really know Jack.
4- dharma shark! lol! yeah, I loved that idea! and cranky!desmond is love, but what I love everywhere in the fic is dim!charlie, that gets even distracted by sand...
Charlie knew how to handle this. "Don't be silly, Claire. Birds fly in the air." He gestured skyward. "The ocean," he lowered his arm, "is down there." He pointed to the water and nodded at Claire with a confident grin.5- heee!!! Rousseau, for the win ( ... )
OMG, Karl. That poor boy. He was just not what I expected, and I had to take some shots at him. Thanks for reading!
The jungle clearing was still oppressively hot as Locke, Kate, and Sayid contemplated the large, intimidating, and somewhat sexually suggestive security system designed by the mysterious Others. At least, Kate found it somewhat sexually suggestive. Then again, Jack and Sawyer were nowhere in sight. Then again, Sayid was good looking and those arms of his were...
You hooked me with that opening. Just hilarious.
Also I loved the Alex/Karl one. Karl being a big crybaby and all. Didn't mind the Charlie mocking either.
Great fic, one of my favorites (humor-wise anyways).
I've always thought Sayid had great arms. Apparently, I think Kate thinks so, too.
For some reason, I just find poor Charlie an easy target. And Karl? I just kind of want to smack him.
Thanks for reading!
Hee! The whole thing is great. *wanders off, laughing insanely*
I like your icon, too!
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