Since some of us don't know how to play nice, I've decided to permanently make this journal friends only. Thanks for your time, I'm so glad maturity works well for us.
i am making this one public because it's just too damn fun to pass up... so you all know my ex Mike L (cop one) who cheated on me with that polish girl Magda for like, 6 months. they're engaged, and i am pretty sure his bachelor party was yetserday. well...little mr perfect sent a drunk message to the wrong person: me. here's what it says
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Me: I'm gonna go home and sleep...Oh, who am I kidding... Jon: Yeah, you're gonna go get on MyCrack [aka MySpace]::making typing motion:: Me: Exactly, get on the computer and get on MyCrack ::pause:: Me: Ya know Jon, that doesn't really sound right... ::uncontrolable laughter::
I've got it all figured out... I need to date the guys from Queer Eye. Laugh all you want, but it's the best idea I've had in a while. I'd have all I need
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So yesterday I worked 1-10:30... Was having a fairly decent day, and then my coworkers decided to be 5-year-olds... Adam was swinging a measuring tape around, and Bill went to catch it, and it sliced open his hand. So he had to go to the hospital. They both might end up getting fired over this. Then we'll be even MORE shorthanded! I have 54
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