For I have known them all already, known them all- Have known the evenings, mornings, afternoons, I have measured out my life with coffee spoons; I know the voice dying with a fall Beneath the music form a farther room. So how should I presume? -T.S. Eliot
Somehow managed to go through a day of school, enjoy the sun, do some errands for the folks, hang out w/ friends, finish my homework, and take a quick nap all in a few short hours...and...its only 10:30
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Whoa! I planned on doing nothing with Jonni today, alluva sudden I wake up at 5:45 to a phone call. She was upset wanted to get out of the house so I went
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I cannot do it anymore. Tried posting but I don't have it in me. Now all I think about is that people are, and probably already have been reading this
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