Well, to go along with
this post, here is the second part of my journey to Rivendell.
So, I tried at first to get to Rivendell, even made it pretty far, but alas, the bears that were 25 levels above me killed me, and kept killing me. So, I took a break from dying to actually, you know, play the game. However, on my way back to Bree, I found a tower. Who was in this tower? Well, how about Radagast the Brown.
So, I decided to level a bit and head back to Rivendell. A few things I learned about this game is that if you take a day off from playing, you get bonus xp when you kill stuff. Basically, this makes this game super fast to level in (so if you are an xp junkie, this game might work for you.) Also, aside from gear being damaged upon death and a temporary decrease in stats, you have no real bad effect from dying. Trust me, I know this after dying about 10 times in that journey to near-Rivendell. Now, mind you, dying in this game is super easy, nearly everything aggros. About the only things that have not aggroed so far are these wooly mamoth looking things (they look like furry cows with a trunk, not huge like a mamoth, but still plenty large.)
Now I decided last night to make a second run of it, getting to the Fords of Brumen (ie, where Gandalf made a tidal wave to stop the Ring Wraiths, yes it was Gandalf since this follows the books and not the movies.) Luckily for me, a level 15 was there to clear some of the aggro (ie, I let him die for my just and noble cause of getting to Rivendell!) Here's the non-descript Fords:
Once past them, I made it to Rivendell! Course, after a long journel like that, I had to take some scenary pictures. For instance, me sitting:
And here's the Forge of Rivendell, where Andúril, the blade that was once broken will be reforged:
While looking around, I happened to run into a Hobbit. Maybe you recognize him...
Upon seeing him, I went looking for the others. Here's what I got:
After seeing all of those, I wondered if Glorfindel was in this game. That's when I found...
Of course, I realized I missed one, so I went to the Misty Mountains and found a dwarf camp. And, low and behold, there I found...
So, my journeying is done, now I will play the Beta out, try to get to 15 and the like. But, I will say I am somewhat interested so far.