Title: The Root of It
Rating: NC-16 (Gory imagery)
Genre: Uh. Gore? Somewhat. Historical too.
Characters/Pairings: China, Japan | No pairings
Summary: Japan is fiercely convinced that what he's doing to China is what's right and good for the country.
Notes: ... I honestly don't know. Written with
inuyashacooks in mind, when she asked for Imperialist!Japan, with
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Comments 20
I read it. And I'm just.. D:
I seriously doubt the "genuinely wanting to aid the comparatively-backward nations" part in your notes though. That whole mentality was merely justification for wanting become an Asian imperialist power in what Japan saw as an opportune time. In the case of Kiku, he could very well have been indoctrinated to believe such things, or perhaps merely did his best to fool himself and became a little crazy in the process.
Although I cannot justify that it is what all of them thought (that's probably impossible to have the whole country united in such a thought anyhow), it is true that there were at least some who saw it as their duty to do as such, prior to the co-prosperity sphere which was launched later. Either that or my sources are a little more than off, in which case, I apologize in advance and will uh, review the story again, I suppose? Thank you for pointing this out.
So kinda like, the government tells the people one thing, but actually does another while the citizens are none the wiser.
As much as Kiku would be a representative of the country itself, I'm also one to believe that the Nations represent the thoughts and ideals of the people as well though, and therefore, this idea came to me.
I also read 'Peace, In Two Dimensions'. I kept the link. XD
Ahhh yes, Peace In Two Dimensions is utterly wonderful, as is the European version to it.
I can't say I enjoyed the imagery in this, cuz that's sick, but I can say that I think you did the imagery really well. I also like how you made bastard!Japan simply a reeeeaaalllll bastard, and not a complete-all-out-omigod-he-so-evil dark villain. I actually think that a villain is worse when they display a human side, I guess because the revelation of their (human) natures suggests a proximity in tendencies between good and evil.
anyway this was a good read, and thank you for writing it :D
Whew. Glad to know that the imagery was alright, I was quite worried about it :l
/scratches head
Japan is Japan I suppose, and I personally find it harder to make someone a purely evil character. Happy to know it worked though :D
Yaaaaaaaay. You enjoyed it! Thank you for reading &hearts
I personally find it harder to make someone a purely evil character thats a good quality XD for some reason when you read fic about controversial events, the character who plays the antagonists role suddenly turns into a heartless mustache-twirling monocle-wearing villain- particularly germany.
Well, Himaruya DID intend on Kiku to be somewhat like this originally. But was forced to change it due to the government.
I wonder how's it like for Singapore? =/ Things were pretty bad here too.
Wha really? I didn't know that.
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