Title: Stranded
tokidokikoPairing(s): All Main - KhunYoung, JunBros, TaecChan
Genre: Comedy, Romance(??)
Rating: PG
Summary: The 2PM boys are stranded on a deserted island. Now what would happen when they are forced to pair off with the person they least want to be with?
I can't believe we're eating bananas for dinner. )
Comments 17
i can't even.....
they are so cute.....
i can't help laughing while reading this chapter...
and the rest were just too adorably cute. I can't even xDDD
thanks for sharing and can't wait for the next part :D
and Woo the forever the clueless one...he's mad at Khun and Khun doesn't notice it? huhu
lol-ing at Chan trying to eat Taec.
his hyungs are his food indeed
all of them are soooo adorable!
poor Junho for having to face Junsu's bad sleep habits :P
update soon ^^
this is so enjoyable to read about <3 hope you write more ^^
This is fic is just so adorable!!!
Totally LOL-ed at Chan trying to eat his hyung!
Well, that what Taec gets when he ignores Chan's hunger!HAHAHA!
I think it'll take longer for Junbros to end up together...given that Junsu's snoring is so unbearable.-.-" All the pleasant thoughts, GONE!
Khunyoung is so cute! Khun getting jealous of Junsu! Definitely the 1st couple to start making out?HAHAHA!
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