Title: The Servant Boy
Pairing(s): HoMin
Genre: AU/Historical/Romance
Rating: PG13
Summary: Yunho, a young man with a rich father, falls for Changmin, a servant boy who works at an all-male brothel house called Spider Lillie.
I hope you understand I'll never let you go back there again )
Comments 10
nice, Changmin is really strong willed too
but I hope Yunho can protect Min from now on
teehee maybe all those looking to each others eyes is their courting then after running away they are boyfriends already...^^
ahhh.. i have a feeling that this would be an angsty fic... please let it have a happy ending! i beg u as ur reader and commenter.... O.0
geisha's had to do... then he saw his savior... Yunho to the rescue... they just kept running... he wouldn't let him go... Min being
so forward kissing Jung-san first... way to go Min... update soon!!!
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