Tok'ra Kree! Round 10 Prompt-A-Thon opening soon!

Apr 26, 2017 11:58

Round 10 of Tok'ra Kree! will start on May 15th, 2016.

From May 15th and through May 28th anyone can leave Tok'ra related prompts on the official prompt post, which will be up in just over 2 weeks from now.

Claiming will open on May 29 and run through August 13th. The first two weeks each participant may only claim 2 prompts, to give everyone a chance to get their favourite prompts :) After that we open for additional claims.

Posting begins on August 14th and will remain open until September 4th. You can post at any time between those dates.

The requirement for your fic/artwork/podfic is only that one or more Tok'ra play an important part, and are not merely there as an easy way to get information and/or technology.

If you need them, the rules can be found here and the FAQ is here.

We would like to remind people that this comm has a twin comm on Dreamwidth.

!round 10, !mod post

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