O_O; ;;; NNNNOOOOOOOO....yes. Basically. I have nothing else to do, really. Besides, it's Sunday, I don't have to study. Oh. I went to a show last night at the Grind, but I felt kinda sick, and it was way too loud for someone with a headache. So I just sat outside all night with Frog and smoked. I'm smoking a lot more lately, and I need to stop it. NOW. Then again, I really don't care. I was kinda going for that when I first started. I'm such a loser.
Comments 7
Am lemur, huh? I guess that does seem to fit you. I can't say why, but it does.
Oh. I went to a show last night at the Grind, but I felt kinda sick, and it was way too loud for someone with a headache. So I just sat outside all night with Frog and smoked. I'm smoking a lot more lately, and I need to stop it. NOW. Then again, I really don't care. I was kinda going for that when I first started. I'm such a loser.
There is way too much chicken in this soup...
I've gotta go. Post when you get off work and I'll try to call you.
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