Over two months since I've posted anything here. I guess it's been kind of a strange two months. I think that people who post messages in online journals are doing pretty well personally, at least for the most part. They're comfortable enough and understand how they feel enough to write about it and share. I don't think I have been for some time
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Ahh, my most recent headshots. These are the ones that'll be shipped to L.A. Wish me luck my fine feathered friends, and wish me representation. :) I'll probably be moving there in a year.
I just saw "GRINDHOUSE". I think it might have been the greatest movie going experience of my life. I honestly don't believe I have ever had more fun watching a film. For over 3 hours.
So I havn't written a very in depth update in a long time. And I'm not going to now. But I will mention that right now, and for the past 2 months, between what I make hourly plus tips, I'm raking in about $1200 a month.
The Comedy Central Roast of William Shatner, is one of, if not THE, single funniest fucking thing I have EVER watched ibn my ENTIRE life. I was laughing to the point of passing out in tears during practically every minute of it.
I feel like Edward Scissorhands. You know, minus the whole not-having-hangs, my-father-died, feeling-like-an-outcast, in-love-with-someone-I-can't-have thing.