Re: Sounds like an awesome trip.zeekarDecember 6 2008, 03:49:31 UTC
Yes, but I read them backwards because they show up in Google Reader in reverse chronological order and I'm just that lazy. So I read three before I figured it out, all on my own, thankyouverymuch, and then in the fifth one you *finally* spelled it out for me.
Re: Sounds like an awesome trip.zeekarDecember 6 2008, 03:59:41 UTC
To be more specific and less snarky: I quickly scrolled through the pics as you posted, and read your short posts in between, but didn't actually sit down and read the travelogue until this evening. And then I did so backwards because it was easier than fighting the system. I did this with the full realization that I might potentially be confused, but I trusted my reportedly impressive cleverness to carry me through until I could fill in any gaps. And then said allegedly-vast intellect balked at expanding a dead-simple acronym. Pride goeth something something. Pathetic, really.
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