I just got this for my birthday, but I've never played before. I know some of you people on my friends list play, so what side/servers should I play on? :)
I've had to give it up for a while but once the semester ends after next week I would love to play again! I'm on Thorium Brotherhood but I could always make a new char wherever!
Hmm. I am leveling a horde toon on kelthuzad and I have a 70 on icecrown and a 70 on arathor (both alliance). I would say probably go tho bro though because I never play and I know brian and larissa have high level horde toons there even if larissa doesn't play much right now. Also my roomie has a tho bro char, too, lol.
Well I play on Nazgrel mostly, though I am about to create a character for spinebreaker to join a friend I have there. It's a fun game and certainly can be time consuming but I am proud to say I am on an 8 day drought. See, I can quit anytime ;)
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