Title: Camping Characters: Ianto, Sulu Rating: R Pairings: Ianto/Sulu Word Count: 3368 Summary: Ianto is convinced that nothing good ever comes out of camping.
Tell me what you think? ;3; Comments/reactions are encouraged and more than welcome.
The Plass was quiet that afternoon. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that up until recently, work crews had been hanging about. In the middle of it, there was a large construction area, complete with tape and tarp up, covering up the fact that there was a large, gaping crater in the center of it. The public had been told that there had
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Ianto had gotten back from Owen's birthday party and immediately gone to the fridge to get himself a lager. He had intended to leave early that night to sober up, but. He needed the alcohol. Needed the burn and the haze to get over the fact that he had just been talking to a friend that would be dead in a few months time. A friend who he'd watched
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Surprisingly, Jack had insisted on a specific pub they rent out, and Ianto had stepped back and let him do so. Jack knew the owner, had been going there for years (and years and years), and so he could get the place cheap and quickly and still have the quality service that they wanted. And for an occasion like this one, quality was a must
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A bit late, and I missed the meme, so if your character has gifts for Remus, Dee, Germany, Jack, or Ianto, drop me a line here unless you've already talked to me about it? :'D In the meanwhile, here's their gifts to your characters.
Author's note: Another piece in my fill-in-the-blanks series, this time being the conversation between Jack and Ianto right after this log, in which Sulu gets his first tour of the Hub, and has his first meeting with Jack as well, and well. Things don't go as smoothly as Ianto might have hoped. As always, feedback is my friend, and encourages me to
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It was dark. A fact which, recently, had become a lot more of an issue than it normally had been for him before, but Ianto wasn't thinking in terms of then and now. Because something was coming for him out of the darkness, but this time he knew exactly what it was, and exactly what would happen to him when they found him. The same thing that
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Ianto took in a deep breath as he walked down the hallway to the door to Gwen's flat, shifting the pizza box he had with him nervously in his hands. He cold tell that something was wrong, with the way their conversation had gone the night before, and he honestly wasn't surprised if she was angry at him. They needed to talk to each other, needed to
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