* Reply to this post with ICON ME! and I will pick five of your icons.
* Make a post (including this info) and talk about the icons I chose.
* Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
* This will create a never ending cycle of icon glee...
These were the icons selected by
kawaii-gaara (
I suppose I should do a cut to be courteous )
Comments 1
LOLOL Sounds like a perfect fit~ XDDDDD I definitely understand that feeling~
Oh wow!! It really is a gorgeous icon =o_______o=!!! I kind of remember you telling me about following an artist on DA. That's really awesome! Maybe I'll check out her story too!
Ohhhh hellsing~~~~ that's right~~~~ thought the face looked familiar~! And ah, I didn't know that was Walter~ I've heard the name numerous times but not who he was~
Ohhhh I've never heard of it before~ =OWO= Sounds interesting~ if you find raws for it perhaps I shall translate it for you~ >DDDDDD <33333
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