Jun 01, 2008 11:58
So, basic training has been passed and all that.
Now on to the next task. Technical Training School. It's a lot like College dorm life. Kinda boring, since my classes don't actually start for another week or so. But, I'm getting paid either way. Can't complain.
More updates to follow.
Feb 03, 2008 23:01
Hell yeah, Go Giants!
A few things. This is probably one of the best games I've ever seen.
Tom Brady, meet the ground. The ground, meet Tom Brady.
Eli Manning made my day by ruining Bill Belichick's day. The postgame interview with him alone was enough to satiate the Browns fan in me.
Better luck next year, you asshole.
Jan 16, 2008 18:08
New mood theme.
Can you guess what it is?
At any rate, Ohayocon was a blast. I had tons of fun as Yoko, because I think I was the only one there. Seriously. Kinda sad.
New laptop is working just fine, and things are going well as a whole. I can't wait to get started with the Air Force, and I'll be leaving April 8th for basic training.
Apr 03, 2007 00:52
KOS-MOS, dur.
I'm now nearly finished with my playthrough. That's right. Nearly finished.
Once I defeat the second to last boss, I'll be right where I was on my previous playthrough. I literally cut hours, maybe even half a day off my playing time. Not bad.
Mar 22, 2007 09:23
Okay, so.
I've been feeling weird lately. Not like I'm sick or anything. I just.. don't feel quite right. Whatever. o_O
School is meh. It's going okay, but it certainly could be better.
I had really hot wings for dinner last night. Maybe that's why my stomach feels so fucking strange.
Nov 08, 2006 15:12
Yay. New Livejournal account.
Boo. Democrats are in charge of Congress with a Republican President. Nothing is going to get done.