Here I sit in the secret locale of
oldgrue. The warrior needs food badly. The warrior had requirements, don't make him wait. He doesn't make sense but he laughs alot. Dang was he hungry, never make him wait. Never swim on an empty stomach. Always wait half an hour to sleep after you eat. Sink or don't sink. Wonder, wonder, wonder, who...who the heck I am. Does this make sense? NO! I am Nonsequitar Man! My powers are boundless. Grilled sirloin and spinach with tomatoes, grilled onions, and mushrooms, then green beans and almonds with butter. So hungry. HUNGRY! HUNGRY JACK! And avocado sald dressing. Great with a milkshake. My energy bars are low! I'm wasting away. Database for characters and approvals? What does that have to do with food? I can't even remember what I was laughing at earlier. Insurance. I need insurance for hunger. Yeehaw. Gloom, despair, and agony on me, deep dark depression, excessive misery, if it wernt for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all, Glooom, despair, and agooonyy on mmeeeee! I'm fine, just wanted to sing for Heehaw, get it, rhymes with heehaw. I am punchy. Punchy, punchy, punchy. I could go for a game of hockey. Well, I warned you, don't click here.
word, word, wurd, wu-ord, wurd, wow, wierd, word, toxins