Title: My Brave Cowgirl Rating: G Genre: Romance/Friendship Characters: Buzz, Jessie Warning: Spoilers for Toy Story of Terror!! Summary: Following the events in Toy Story of Terror, Buzz checks on his cowgirl.
01-08; Tangled 09-29; Finding Nemo 30-34; Up 35-43; Enchanted 44-48; Lilo and Stitch 49-54; The Lion King 55-68; The Beauty and the Beast 69-76; The Emperor's New Groove 77-100; Toy Story 101-104; Extras
I've seen "screencaps" floating around Tumblr, from a bootleg of TS3. There's one shot from the end I wanted, if anyone has access to them for whatever reason? ( cut for SPOILAGE. )