Well, this LJ has run its course. I've a new one now -
cooksferryqueen . Please feel free to add it but it has a new policy: f-locked posts will be missed unless I'm told about them via comment or whatever.
If you're leaving me here, thanks for sharing your life with me, however briefly, and I wish you all the very best of everything.
Comments 7
Oh and I just found out what candyfloss is yesterday. All this time I thought it was candy-flavored dental floss, lol.
I'm sorry for the oddly placed comment, but I wasn't sure how else to contact you.
I'm not sure if you know me or how much you and shanaqui talk, but it's her birthday tomorrow and I'm trying to get her a surprise present from her f-list.
Basically, I was hoping you could join us in posting a happy birthday for her at happy20bookday. It doesn't have to be much, just "Happy Birthday!" would be awesome!
If you can't/get this way to late, don't let that deter you. I'm sure she'd love it just as much late. :D
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