Title: The Best Kind of Corruption (Super Junior Has It)
Fandom: SHINee/Super Junior
Pairing: Onew/Key
Rating: PG
Word Count: 890
Summary: Not all adults are responsible.
Notes: It’s ridiculous, and there isn’t really a plot. It amuses me greatly though. This is kind of a follow up to Unfortunate Boys.
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Comments 30
This got everything I told you to write. I've always known you love me, but I didn't even think you love me this much >:3 You're so whipped and I'll feed your plotbunnies again in the future :3
They don’t speak, at all and for a while, he thinks they are just tuning the rest of them out, until Kibum smiles like he approves, and Onew realizes that they are communicating.
Silent Communication (TM) will never gets old XD Between two of my favorite members from each band, even XDDDDD
His thought processes are cut off when his hair is messed up, and he makes a noise somewhere between a cat who has been stepped on and Key, when Taemin did something adorable.
I've told you that I love this part but WTF? I can repeat myself as much as I can XD Oh, Key... *dying*
Onew doesn’t. Partially because Jonghyun wouldn’t listen, and mostly because Yesung… is older than him and therefore he must respect him. It’s hard, but Onew manages.Poor Onew XD He gets no respect whatsoever. And Jonghyun especially won't ( ... )
You know Kibum and Minho would totally stare each other don=wn first. XDD Like a test or something.
Repeat yourself as much as you want. As long as its about me.
No, Onew is so disrespected. I feel for the poor boy. Jonghyun ... No comment actually. XD AND YES. Yesung is a gian moron, whom I love.
XDD This line was so hard not to show you, because I was like rolling around laughing.
XDD EunHaeTae and thier epic dirty dancing. *approves* Key is going to go all motherly on him, and then give him a talk.
And yes. Kangin is a sadist.
XDDD It was Hae. XDD
LOL'd so much with Taemin being "polluted" by EunHae hahahahahhaha!!!
XDD Poor Taemin, he will never be innocent again.
anyway... i loved key being all over taemin for his cuteness... because he really has that soft spot for the magnae...
and siwon trying not to pedo and be all gay over taemin lol... probably because of his resemblance with heechul?
eunhae teaching taemin sinful hipthrusts and stuff is just so hilarious and how i wish i would get to see taemin do those on stage.
and just for the simple thought that it's super junior and shinee hanging out together, creating as much chaos and forming new kinds of bffery...
gosh you should totally write mooooooooooooooooooore
Key is a mother, and that is why he and Jungsu get along so well. SO Taemin, being adorable, gets the whole deal. Talks and everything.
Siwon. XD NO COMMENT. <3
EunHae would totally teach Taemin the 'proper' way to hip thrust, and other such things a fifteen year old should probably not learn.
XDD Thank you.
(That was like. total Feimin. Except we'd have to replace <3 with xxx.)
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