Aug 26, 2006 01:36
And as I'm carrying a lot of spare weight:
Anyone who doesn't comment in the next few days will get kicked off my flist.
I dont know what the next few days means, and special dispensation is given to those I know to be travelling/offline.
But it'll be by the end of the week.
There ya go.
Sep 02, 1998 23:21
Farewell happy Fields
Where Joy for ever dwells: Hail horrours, hail
Infernal world, and thou profoundest Hell
Receive thy new Possessor: One who brings
A mind not to be chang'd by Place or Time.
The mind is its own place, and in it self
Can make a Heav'n of Hell, a Hell of Heav'n
Aug 12, 1995 21:25
If you know me, then post something and I'll consider things....