You know, for as much as the last week sucked, I have come to the same realization that I had the last time I was about where I am. I am very, very good at being single. Not sure whether thats good or not, but I'm just going to run with it for now.
Yes, I don't have a job. Yet. Yes I'm ok with that. You should be too. And you should refrain from extrapolating from this particular 3 weeks or so of indifference and lack of motivation to my having certain personality flaws or character defects that you didn't notice until now. Perhaps this is the exception, not the rule. Go fucking figure.
Once again impending doom can only be averted by superhuman feats (generally scholastic in nature). How long until I turn the ball over on fourth down?
I'll just keep doing what I've been doing. That is, the highly improbable. It'll keep working... it has to. Doesn't it?