1/17/01 Medicine Woman’s Cave ∼ from Despina's I Green Journal (11/20/15; WC 314) Q

Jan 17, 2001 19:17

Table of Contents (SOTFW: SC summercircles)
Table of Contents (Despina's IGJ summercircles)
Table of Contents (travelsfar)

Despina's Infamous Green Journal

Medicine Woman's Cave

    If I decide with my mind, I am influenced by all kinds of thoughts that fight against one another.  If I try to decide with my eyes, even though I see with love, it is hard not to be influenced by what I actually see... how people look, react, and what they are doing.  If I decide with my heart, my judgments are never harsh.  My heart takes into account the things that have hurt people... what they have had to deal with just to stay sane and alive.  My heart thinks about fairness, comfort, and hope.           ∼ Fools Crow

I had a dream again last night, in which I'm with a male I don't know (or don't recognize, if I do).  "He drives the jeep over the top of the mountain, following my directions, ending up stalling out on a steep slope.  We spill out of the jeep onto the mountainside, grabbing a small, stunted tree to anchor ourselves on the edge of the cliff face.  'It's a bit steeper than I expected, Despina,' he said.  Under our combined weight, the tree bends, revealing a small opening.  "Look, a cave," I point, releasing the tree to explore the cave mouth, entering tentatively.  With a sigh, he releases the tree as well and joins me.  We both slowly look around.  On the hearth, a fire burns quietly; smoke from braided ropes of some kind of grass spiral up, lost in the darkness.  Bowls, pots, baskets, and other medicine woman's accouterments are stored in niches in the stone wall behind the fire.  Blankets are spread neatly on both sides of the fire.  On each lays a drum with fantastic images painted on the surface.  Beside these lay what appear to be rattles made from deer hooves and snake tails.  I remember reading about medicine women and shiver."


Last updated 12/7/15 Added ∼; colored day of the week, time headings; 12/5/15 standardized color/text of day of the week; 11/9/15 standardized heading and tags; added second space after end punctuation; a comma between hearth, a; 3/26/10 chained into novel and added to TOC. 3/21/10.

Word Count: 314


sotfw: sc: digj

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